The Federation of Irish Sport is pleased to announce details of the Annual Leaders Forum ‘Informing & Empowering Leaders & Decision Makers in Sport’ for member CEOs and Senior Management, which will take place at the Crowne Plaza Blanchardstown on Wednesday 29th January. This is an important annual gathering for our member organisations as we invite presentations on new and emerging issues for the sector and guidance on how best to prepare for these. The forum will feature government representatives from the Office of the Revenue Commissioners who will make a presentation on the Finance Act and the provisions for Sport and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport, and Media on the new Sports Action Plan 2024-2027.
There will be expert insights from our partners on a variety of trending topics in sport with the following presentations:
- ‘Ogier: Equality and the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission’, with Paddy Murphy & Mary Gavin.
- 2into3 Partner insights: ‘3 Key Pillars to Win Sporting Success: Governance, Fundraising & Talent’ with Dennis O’Connor, & Orla Dolan
- Clann Credo Community Finance Partner insights: ‘Financing Sporting Ambition’ with Tony Marshall
By invitation only.