Golf Coach Education Manager for Ireland 3 yr fixed term position.
The PGA in Ireland, on behalf of a partnership with the GUI and ILGU, and supported by the Irish Sports Council, is recruiting a Golf Coach Education Manager for Ireland. The PGA is responsible for the overall development of the ‘Right Coach; Right Place; Right Time’ 21st Century Vision for Golf Coaching across Great Britain and Ireland, and the partnership in Ireland now seeks an innovative individual to co-ordinate the implementation of this vision within Ireland.
The overall purpose of this position is to ultimately increase the quality of golf coaches and golf coaching delivered within Ireland by both volunteer coaches and PGA Professionals to meet the demands of the game and needs of golfers across the whole spectrum of the Irish Golfer Pathway, by:
1. Establishing and managing the development, implementation and ongoing evaluation of an Irish Golf Coaching Action Plan in line with the agreed action plans for Junior Golf Ireland, and other participation and performance plans, that reflect the principles of the ‘Right Coach Right Place Right Time’ vision.
2. Driving the development and implementation of a coach education and development programme within Ireland to support the effective recruitment, training, support and retention of the right coach in the right place at the right time.
3. Working in partnership with the governing bodies of amateur golf (GUI and ILGU) in Ireland to deliver effective coach education and development programmes that reflect local, regional or national workforce development plans and/or identified needs, in addition to volunteer coaches.
4. Providing a clear link and lines of communication between the PGA in Ireland and partner organisations/individuals in Ireland at operational level.
To fulfil the requirements of this role it is essential that you can demonstrate a successful background in sports development, coach development and/or coach education. You should be able to evidence experience of providing development support to organisations (e.g. Local Authority, schools, County Sports Partnership, National Governing Body) as well as the ability to effectively communicate with a range of organisations, partners and people. It is vital that you have experience of working independently and evidence of the ability to self-manage workload.
Please note that this is not a practical coaching position and requires the ability to build relationships and ‘make things happen’ at a local, regional and national level. The targets for the successful candidate will be clearly defined and monitored by a Coaching Group; this post does not have any line management responsibility.
The position, which is wholly Irish based, is largely operational and will report to the Head of Coaching Systems linked to the PGA National Training Academy at The Belfry, Sutton Coldfield. The nature of the job will involve considerable travel throughout Ireland with the successful candidate based from home but expected to work from the PGA Irish Office at least one day per week. There will also be the opportunity to work from the offices of the other organisations involved in this partnership.
This is a fixed term position for 3 years and in addition to an attractive salary, we are offering a fully expensed company car and after a qualifying period, private healthcare and non-contributory pension.
To request further details on how to apply for this position please contact Kathy Hughes, HR Manager via e-mail ( The closing date is 5pm on Wednesday 29th February 2012 with interviews scheduled to take place on 13th March at the GUI offices in Ireland.
Position funded through a partnership between:
Irish Ladies Golf Union
Golfing Union of Ireland
Professional Golfers Associate
The Irish Sports Coucil
Coaching Ireland