The Federation of Irish Sport is pleased to welcome the Sport Ireland confirmation of the allocation of increased funding which was originally announced for Budget 2019. The announcement and confirmation of funding distribution is an important first step towards implementing the National Sports Policy and continuing to support all those who provide sporting and physical activity opportunities in Ireland.
While the Federation is delighted to welcome the increases across the board, we are particularly delighted to welcome the additional funding for our members. Today is not only a good day for Sport in Ireland but an important one. I am really pleased to see the increases distributed to our member NGBs and LSPs who have worked so tirelessly year in year out to deliver the highest results and innovative programmes within their sport. I am delighted to see not only their hard work highlighted but also the undeniable role they play in delivering Sport and physical activity in Ireland recognised by both Minister Griffin and Sport Ireland today.
The Federation would like to also highlight and commend the investment announced for Sport Inclusion Disability Officers within the LSPs. This is a real recognition of the commitment of the Government and Sport Ireland to the importance of inclusivity and accessibility in sport and physical activity.
The Federation will continue to listen to and advocate on behalf of all our members and look forward to more positive days for Sport and physical activity in Ireland in the months and years ahead.
For full detail on breakdown of funding see here
Statement from Mary O’Connor CEO Federation of Irish Sport