Winter is closing in. It is getting colder and darker earlier and less attractive to be outdoors. But we all still need to be physically active… and avoid getting cooped up and bored. So what do we do? Do YOU have the answer??


South Dublin County Sports Partnership is looking to get your ideas on how to best stay active while at home. The ideas can be for individuals or a family unit, able bodied or less so. We are inviting all members of the public, young and old, to send in their suggestions. The suggestions do not need to be accompanied by a descriptive drawing and indeed we would like them to be simple to understand so that no drawing is needed. You may however forward a Youtube clip link if wished.


SDCSP will review all suggestions and those chosen will each receive a free gift – it may be swim vouchers, pedometer, walker/runner water bottle, Frisbee.


Please send your suggestions with your name and address and contact details (email, mobile phone #) to;

SDCSP, c/o County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24


or through our Facebook page