As we move through the final phases of the Government Roadmap, Sport Ireland will continue to provide training & support resources to the sector in relation to Covid19.

Sport Ireland wish to notify NGBs, LSPs and other funded bodies that the updated Sport Ireland COVID-19 eLearning Course is now available on it’s website.

The course which can be publically accessed here aims at supporting administrators, volunteers, coaches and participants to return to sport during phase 3 in a safe & practical manner. Funded Bodies are encouraged to share the Course with its affiliates, clubs and members through its direct & social media channels.

The course is split into two sections:

Section A of the Course builds on the previous Awareness course and has been updated with the current government advice and guidelines in relation to covid19. It also includes modules on the recommendations and guidance from the Expert Group in relation to phase 3.

The course is targeted at supporting administrators, volunteers, coaches and participants.

Section B of the Course aims to support those who have been nominated to fulfil the Covid Officer Role in their NGB, LSP, Club or Community Group.

This section will include specific modules in relation to that role – Responsibilities, Management Plans, Venue Layouts, Dealing with a Breakout, Emergency First aid etc.

Participants can choose to complete Section A only or both sections A & B.

Nominated Covid Officers are recommended to complete both sections.

Both sections will include a test/quiz and a Certificate of Completion.

Overview of Course Content:

  • Hand Hygiene
  • Equipment Hygiene
  • Advice on exercising during COVID-19 and Safe Return to Play Post Infection
  • Safe Return to Sport & Physical Activity
  • Advice for Group Activity
  • Returning to activity in the Great Outdoors
  • Phase 3 Guidance
  • Returning to activity in the Great Outdoors
  • Covid19 Officer Training
  • Knowledge Check & Quiz
  • Staying Informed