Sport is to be included in the third edition of the Global Irish Economic Forum taking place from 3rd -5th October 2013 in Dublin Castle. This is the first time that sport is to be included in the event.  There is to be a panel on sport on Saturday morning entitled “Promoting the interests of Ireland and its people abroad through Sport”.

gief_09The session is to be moderated by Ger Gilroy with the panel being comprised of Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Michael Ring, Eugenie Buckley of Suiko Consulting (, Paraic Duffy, GAA, Hugo MacNeill, Managing Director, Investment Banking, Goldman Sachs Ireland, Martin Naughton, President, Glen Dimplex and Kevin O’Brien, Cricket Ireland.

KevinObrien-228x366Sport’s ability to drive tourism, the hosting of international sports events in Ireland and sport’s use as a tool for  the development of relationship as well as its contribution to the enhancement of Ireland’s reputation abroad are all likely to feature in the discussion.

In recognition of the event, the Department of Tranpsort, Tourism & Sport are hosting a reception on Thursday 3rd October at 6pm in the National Concert Hall at which, Irish sporting representatives are to be present to meet with panel members to discuss some of the opportunities and challenges facing Irish Sport. This should allow for a more informed debate and discussion to take place at the Forum proper.

Ger+Gilroy-e1309866018176It is hoped that there will be solid outcome for sport from the discussion at the Sports Forum perhaps around the area of sports tourism. The Gathering is an example of an initiative to have been developed at a previous edition of the Global Irish Economic Forum.

More Information is available here: