The AXA Community Bike Rides Team were delighted to see the programme hit a new milestone, with the first of its members completing 50 bike rides.

Since the programme was launched last year, members have been taking part in these free, social bike rides which are led by trained and vetted volunteer leaders in their local communities. To take part, individuals register for free to become a member of the programme on, and then searching by County, they select the ride they want to part take in and sign up. Group sizes vary from 8 to 16, and the rides themselves can vary from easy going to challenging, so there is something to suit everyone.

The programme tracks all participation, and at various milestones, such as completing 10, 50 or 100 bike rides, the members receive a reward from the Team in the post, such as a buff, waterbottle or t-shirt.

Member and Leader Charlie Parsons has been actively involved in the programme since it was initially piloted. Charlie has led a variety of rides from his 12km Kilkenny City loop, to his 40km Paulstown loop. As with all Leaders, central to Charlie’s rides are the coffee shops, and the social connection between all those taking part. As he was the first member to complete 50 rides, not only did he receive his branded waterbottle, but he also received an AXA Community Bike Rides jacket.

With the current restrictions in place due to Covid-19, for now all AXA Community Bike Rides are solo bike rides. This is a big change for all those leaders and members who enjoy the social aspect of cycling, which is the key focus of the programme. By providing solo bike rides, the members can remain connected through this virtual community and like Charlie said “we’re all looking forward to getting back to group cycling before this summer is over where we can enjoy the social contact with coffee, cake and chats”. He encourages all members to register and take part in the solo bike rides and keep connected during this time #getoutgetactivegethappy.

Why not join Charlie on an upcoming solo bike ride and start earning your rewards? Sign up at and search ‘Virtual Rides’.

For more information, please email