Please find below additional information in relation to the recent government announcements provided by Sport Ireland.


  • From May 10th outdoor training for adults in pods of a maximum of 15 people can return. This includes contact training.
  • On that basis, outdoor, contact training will also be permitted for those under the age 18 in pods of a maximum of 15 people.


  • Outdoor (non-elite & club) matches and competitions may recommence on June 7.
  • Such competition must take place without spectators.
  • Sports that do not have a fixed number of competitors (i.e. non team sports) should engage directly with Sport Ireland to discuss the capacity requirements of their individual sports.

Indoor facilities

  • Indoor facilitates such as gyms, swimming pools & sports / leisure centres can reopen from June 7th for individual training.
  • The Return to Sport Expert Group has developed guidance for sports bodies in relation to the delivery of this individual training. The most recent version of this guidance is attached.
  • Final information in relation to capacity levels within indoor facilities is still to be confirmed. Sport Ireland welcomes submissions from indoor sports with regards to the capacity requirements of their individual sports.


Individual Indoor Training May 2021