Ireland has had a very successful British Isles Short Mat Championship held in Aberdeen. With 11 trophies at stake Ireland came away with 8 of them.

Ireland won the Premier team competition and the ‘A’series team competition. They also picked up both singles title with Donegal’s Andrew Steele winning the Premier singles and Monaghan’s Mark Hamilton winning the ‘A’ series singles title. Both triples were also won with Oriel’s Gerry McCabe, Kieran Trainor and John Murnahan winning the Premier event while Karl Bradshaw, Michael McGrade and Paula Bradshaw won the ‘A’ series competition. In the rinks,Andy Leckey, Lisa Richardson, Gary Cuthbert and Jal Richardson.  The McDermott Cup for the outstanding country also went to Ireland.


Pics in order

Gerry O’Hare Irish team manager receives the McDermott Cup

Premier Singles winner Andrew Steel with IIBA President Flo McNally

‘A’ series Singles winner Mark Hamilton

Premier triples winners Kieran Trainor, Gerry O’Haire and John Murnigham

‘A’ series triples winners Michael McGrade, Paula Broadshow and Karl Bradshaw