Q1. What is your daily routine when you are training?
Varies a little, but generally; wake up and then ride. Have breakfast and then sleep for a couple of hours. Wake up and swim. Lunch and another nap. Wake up and then run. Dinner, watch TV and asleep by 8.30pm.
Q2. What are your three most prized possessions?
I don’t actually have any personal possessions in terms of material items. I guess my relationships with family and friends and my memories are my most prized possessions if that counts?
Q3. If you could invite 3 people to dinner – who would they be and why?
Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and The Dalai Lama. Obviously all individuals that have contributed to significant social change.
Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and The Dalai Lama – Ben’s ideal dinner guests!
Q4. What do you enjoy outside of sport?
Watching Movies and TV shows.
Q5. What’s your favourite film?
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory – The original version. It is just a happy and fun movie.
Hard to beat – Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (The Original)
Q6. Any phobias?
Q7. Do you have a sporting hero?
I wouldn’t say heros but respect- Edwin Moses and Alistair Brownlee. Moses was an amazing athlete and highly intelligent with an incredible work ethic. Alistair is always very friendly and down to earth. He also races aggressively and takes risks even though he could just sit in and win “the easy way”.
Q8. Favourite actor or actress?
Denzel Washington
Q9. Where would you like to go on holidays – but you can’t have been there before?
Q10. If you could have a superpower what would it be and why?
I would like to be able to heal people who are sick.
Q11. Favourite restaurant?
Vapianos (Germany).
Q12. What three things would you bring to a desert island?
Swiss Army Knife should do it!!!!
Q13. If you could meet anyone in the world who would it be and why?
So they have to be alive? As above – The Dalai Lama.
Q14. What’s your favourite TV series?
The Big Bang Theory
Down time…. The Big Bang Theory!
Q15. You just won the lotto – what’s the first thing you are buying?
I would donate money to a charity and then ask my family if there is anything they would like.
Q16. What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever bought?
I don’t waste money – or perhaps I don’t have money to waste!
Q17. How did you get involved in triathlon?
I grew up with family friends who were/are professional triathletes.
I started by doing backyard triathlons with them. It turns out that this was a pretty good preparation for a career in triathlon.
Q18. What is a typical weeks training?
I will swim about 20km, cycle up to 400km and run up to 100km a week. Any time not spent training is devoted to eating and sleeping. I have no social life (just in case people think this is a glamorous vocation).
Q19. What stage are you at in your Rio Olympic Qualification Campaign?
Olympic qualification for triathlon takes place over a two-year period that started in June. At this point I have not performed at a level that I am happy with. However, lots of changes are still possible at such an early part of the qualification process.
Q20. What’s the toughest aspect of being an elite triathlete?
Constant travel, poor eating habits, being away from home and training the best you can in a less than optimal environment.
Q21. What’s your proudest moment in your triathlon career so far?
I have not been satisfied with any performance so far. I have performed various elements of different events quite well but I am yet to put an entire race together.
Q22. Over the 3 disciplines what are your strengths and weakness?
My biggest strength is also my biggest weakness. I like to attack races and take a risk to win a race rather than sit back, race conservatively, and just pick off the athletes that have “had a real go”. I guess being a stronger swimmer I tend to be one of those that race hard and get passed by those racing “tactically”.
Quick Fire Round
Twitter or Facebook – Twitter
Movie or TV – Movie
Chinese or Indian – Indian!
Early Night In or Late Night Out – Early Night In
Text or Whatsapp – Text
Coke or Pepsi – Don’t drink either. I only drink water!
Crisps or Chocolate – Chocolate
Swimming pool or Sea – Sea
Playstation or Xbox – Playstation
Suit and Tie or T-shirt and Tracksuit – Tracksuit
Music Festival or Comedy Gig – Comedy Gig (as long as it finishes by 8.30pm and I can get to bed)