

Q1. What is your daily routine when you are training?

Due to the nature of my sport (5 Sports) my daily routine is quite varied. The consistent part is that each day has between 3-5 sessions and of course I eat and sleep A LOT. Usually it will consist of a block of training in the morning and another in the evening. Take Monday for example, I shoot and run in the morning from 9:00-11:30am then rest up and I swim and fence from 17:00-20:30pm


Q2. What are your three most prized possessions?

  1. Junior Worlds Bronze Medal, I keep it by my bed and use it as a constant reminder that there is another medal out there to be won in two years and that is very possible.
  2. A signed picture of Roger Banister breaking the 4 min Mile. I was given it by my granddad when I turned 21, who throughout my career has been one of my biggest supporters. I just love it.
  3. My phone, I feel more naked without that baby than I do in speedos


Q3. If you could invite 3 people to dinner – who would they be and why?

  1. Jessica Alba
  2. Rosie Huntington Whitley
  3. Emily Ratajkowski

I’m pretty sure you would be the envy of every man in the world, think of the photo opportunity…..!


Q4. What do you enjoy outside of sport?

  1. I love socialising with my friends
  2. Eating, I’m a bit of a foodie
  3. Adventures, I love doing something completely random on my day off, it’s usually far from the daily routine which helps keep my mind sound when the going gets tough.


Q5. What’s your favourite film?

Hmm that’s a hard one – Pentathlon, haha yes it’s a movie but no its probably in top 10 worst movies ever made where Dolph Lundgren (Russian Opponent from Rocky) plays a Russian Pentathlete who flees the country, it’s pretty comical. But my favourite movie of all time would have to be the Shawshank Redemption.


Tim Robbins And Morgan Freeman In 'The Shawshank Redemption'

Shawshank Redemption (The Federation would have to agree with you here Arthur!!)


Q6. What’s your favourite music?

Too hard to pick one genre, but il give you some of my favourite songs instead:

  1. Robert DeLong – Global Concepts
  2. Chase and Status – Alive Feat. Jacob Banks
  3. Alt J – Breezeblocks


Q7. Any phobias?

Getting old scares me, I no longer look forward to birthdays and I am only just 23.


Q8. Do you have a sporting hero?

  1. Steve Prefontaine, I think his mentality is courageous and if you haven’t seen his famous quotes check them out they are awesome.
  2. Michael Phelps, what an athlete enough said!!!


Arthur 4

American Olympian Steve Prefontaine


Q9. Favourite actor or actress?

Robert Downey Jnr, he is just a BOSS


Q10. Where would you like to go on holidays – but you can’t have been there before?

Mayalysia, no particular reason just looks really nice


Q11. Any pets?

I love animals, I have a dog at home but couldn’t have a dog in my apartment so I got a cat called Alf….!


Q12. If you could have a superpower what would it be and why?

Fly, I just think it would be bloody awesome…..!


Q13. Favourite restaurant?

Marco Pierre Whites – I LOVE STEAK


Q14. What would you like to achieve outside of sport?

Right now I’m focused on my sporting career and that takes full priority but whatever I do I want it to make a difference, just don’t know what that is just yet…..!


Q15. What’s your favourite TV series?                      

Suits, it’s just very slick


Q16. If you could have any car in the world, what would you get?

Audi RS5 – I wouldn’t want a supercar because it would just be too hard to be liked with one haha


arthur 5

Audi RS5


Q17. You just won the lotto – what’s the first thing you are buying?

HAHA probably an Audi RS5…! But I would also make sure to treat everyone in the family no fun enjoying it by yourself and of course look into worthy charities.


Q18. What did you want to be when you were a kid?

An Olympic Gold medallist – determined for it to happen.



Arthur Lanigan 2

Determined for Olympic glory!! Arthur in action…


Quick Fire Questions:



Twitter or Facebook


Movie or TV


Chinese or Indian


Early Night In or Late Night Out

Late night out even if I don’t do it very often haha

Text or Whatsapp


Crisps or Chocolate


Swimming pool or Sea

Sea every time

Playstation or Xbox
