The UCD MSc in Sport and Exercise Management provides a high quality evidence-based programme for motivated individuals who are employed in or who are seeking careers in the sports industry. We are currently seeking “live” industry projects from sports organisations which students can complete during the MSc programme. Students mentored by academic staff and industry experts will produce project reports and presentations to the organisations as the outcome of this work. We believe this process will not only support the development of the students’ knowledge and skill base but will deliver a meaningful outcome for organisations in a cost neutral manner.
UCD MSc in Sport and Exercise Management:
The programme was established by the UCD Centre for Sports Studies in 2010. Graduates of the programme have established careers in the sports industry with organisations such as the Federation of Irish Sport, FAI, GAA, Leinster Rugby and Nike. The aim of the programme is to provide professional evidence-based education and training which produces effective sport managers / administrators to service the management levels of sport agencies in the public, voluntary and commercial/corporate sectors in Ireland and overseas. As part of the MSc, students undertake modules in key areas of sport management such as:
- Sport governance and law
- Sport marketing
- Sponsorship and event management
- Strategic planning and business enterprise
- Finance and human resources for sport.
Modules are delivered by academic and expert industry-based lecturers through the medium of case studies, group work, interactive simulation exercises all focusing upon industry-based issues.
“Live” Industry Projects:
To support this process, we would welcome projects in the above or related areas from National Governing Bodies or similar organisations which students could complete during the programme. For example, sample projects might include, the development of a marketing plan for new sports related initiative, the development of a bid document to host an event, the creation of a sponsorship proposal for a sports body / event, a review of governance practices across member clubs within a sport; or strategic analysis and planning for particular organisational issues.
We currently envisage that these projects would be completed in one of two ways:
- As an assignment which is completed during a related module such as Sports Marketing with the output being a report and presentation to the client organisation.
- As the students’ MSc Research Project, with the output being an extensive project report and presentation to the client organisation.
During completion of this work, students would be supported by industry experts and academic staff from the UCD Centre for Sports Studies
Benefits to the Organisation and to the Students:
The benefits for organisations include, the delivery of a high quality piece of work which may not be otherwise currently feasible for the organisation and supporting the development of potential future employees. The benefits for the students include experience with “live” industry relevant issues which further enhances their knowledge and skill base.
Further Information:
If you have any queries or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact, Dr James Matthews, MSc Programme Director at 716 3449 or james.matthews@ucd.ie .