Wellbeing Campaign Update – a reminder about the cross Government Mental Wellbeing campaign which offers support and resources for people to help deal with stress and isolation, and also helps people maintain wellbeing and cope at home during this time. The website is www.gov.ie/together and the hashtag is #inthistogether.
We really welcome your support in sharing our messages by posting content, tweeting or retweeting and engaging on your social media platforms and using #InThisTogether

Approved Guidance for Disability Services There are five new COVID-19 Guidance HSE resources now available for staff and carers who provide services to people with disabilities. This guidance will help ensure that staff and carers are fully aware of the steps they need to take during the outbreak. A list of all of the guidance documents, including those previously shared, can be found here:https://www.hse.ie/eng/services/news/newsfeatures/covid19-updates/partner-resources/list-of-guidance-documents-developed-by-hse-disability-services.pdf  

Disability video – See below a useful video with a message from Cathal Morgan, Head of Disability Operations, HSE for people with disabilities and their families. (YouTube video link) https://www.hse.ie/eng/services/news/newsfeatures/covid19-updates/partner-resources/under the heading ‘HSE Approved Guidance for Disability Services’ 

The Community Call – this initiative continues to be successful and ongoing information and Information booklet is available on: https://www.housing.gov.ie/local-government/covid-19-coronavirus/community-call-advice-and-contact-information-your-county The recent Information booklet is being made available in different formats and languages and will then be posted. The information booklet includes all local contacts details. We are aware many of you are involved in supporting local Community Response and community activity.

Coocooning – following updated Government announcement on Friday 1st May, Gov.ie page updated with new poster and Cocooning HPSC guidance –