Did you know Dublin City Sport & Wellbeing Partnership…
- Has 19 dedicated Sports Officers who develop and implement sport and physical activity programmes and services including local projects, city wide events, and the delivery of information and training initiatives
- Works alongside 1 HSE Health Improvement & Physical Activity officer and 28 co-funded Sport Officers who specialise in Athletics, Boxing, Cricket, Rowing, Rugby and Soccer
- Has 3 co-funded officers who specifically work with women & girls
- Has programs for all ages including..
- Couch to Parkrun – all ages
- Get Going… Get Rowing – students
- GAGA (Get All Girls Active) – teenage girls
- Change for Life – adults
- Forever Fit – older adults
Dublin City Sport & Wellbeing Partnership wants to inspire people in Dublin City to participate and engage in sport and physical activity and improve their general health and well being. Meet your sport officer by clicking here and ask how you can get active today!