National Governing Bodies and Local Sports Partnerships to receive total of €26m in Core Funding Allocations

14th February 2023: The Federation of Irish Sport welcomes the announcement made today on the continued investment in the sports sector by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts Gaeltacht, Sport and Media through Sport Ireland. There is an increase of 6% in National Governing Body investment with a total Core Funding level of €16m. While the Local Sports Partnerships have received €10.3 million in investment.

The Federation has continually advocated to Government for continuous support to the sector to enable it to deliver its important work across the island of Ireland from grassroot community sport to high performance. The resilience and vibrancy of the sector post Covid is a testament to the professional staff and volunteers in sport and physical activity. This support of the sector is essential to achieve the National Sport Policy goals. The sport and physical activity sector in Ireland is worth €3.7bn GVA to the Irish economy and employs circa 64,000.

For full details of the Core Funding allocations go to:


For more information contact:

Clare Louise O’Donoghue

Federation of Irish Sport

Commercial & Business Services Manager

086 0437887