• EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, Innovation, Research, Culture, Education, Sport and Youth will deliver the keynote address to Federation of Irish Sport members at their upcoming CEO/Manager forum.
  • The briefing will also provide updates to members on the work of the Federation of Irish Sport from CEO, Mary O’Connor.
  • Other special guest speakers to be announced.

The Federation of Irish Sport are delighted to host Commissioner Gabriel as part of the upcoming member forum to be held on March 1st. The commissioner’s work in Innovation, Research, Culture, Education, Sport and Youth aligns with that of Federation members and her keynote address will serve to update, inspire and drive innovation among the Irish sport sector. The commissioner’s work supports the belief that ‘Sport lies at the centre of interest and everyday life of European citizens. It is vital for our society and for our economy’, a view that all Federation of Irish Sport members share.

Speaking about the Commissioner’s attendance, Federation CEO Mary O’Connor said, ‘We are delighted to host Commissioner Gabriel as part of our member forum. The commissioner’s work in the areas of education, sport and youth will be of particular relevance to our members. It is vital that the sector has the opportunity to engage, understand and learn from the work of the EU commission, particularly during challenging times where advocacy for sport and physical activity, and it’s role in society, is of key importance.’

The member forum will also provide updates on the work of the Federation of Irish Sport over the past months including the hugely successful Volunteers in Sport Awards, insight into member engagement activities and advocacy for the year ahead.

Further special guest speakers will be announced in the coming weeks.


Queries to sarah.maloney@irishsport.ie

Further biographical information on Commissioner Mariya Gabriel can be found at https://ec.europa.eu/commission/commissioners/sites/comm-cwt2019/files/maryia_gabriel-cv_1.pdf