Wicklow Sports Partnership


The Wicklow Sports Partnership was established in 2008, and aims toDSCF1542 increase participation in sport and physical activity throughout  Co. Wicklow. The Vision of Wicklow Local Sports Partnership is to “Increase participation in sport and physical activity in County Wicklow through the co-ordination and delivery of quality programmes, training and services”. The Mission of Wicklow Local Sports Partnership is to “Provide sporting and physical activity opportunities through partnership”.


What we do:  

We provide support and assistance across a range of area’s such as Sports Development, Physical Activity Provision, Education and Training, Information Provision and Leadership & Management.

At Wicklow Local Sports Partnership our aim is to support increased participation in sport and active recreation throughout County Wicklow especially across specific target groups such as women & girls, youth, older adults, people with disabilities, unemployed, disadvantaged and minority groups. Wicklow Local Sports Partnership also works to ensure that local resources are put to best possible use.



Involving co-ordination of local sports information, initiating research, compiling a sports directory/ database and identifying needs and resources to form the basis of local planning and establishing a consultative sports forum.


Provision of quality opportunities for education and training at local level, including generic training courses in areas such as Code of Ethics, First Aid and Active Leadership while also supporting the delivery of sports specific courses in conjunction with the National Governing Bodies of Sport.



Implementation range of national programmes to encourage participation e.g. Buntus, Women In Sport, Go for Life. Programmes are delivered in areas such as Sports Development, Community Sport & Physical Activity, Schools Sport, Youth Sport & Sport and Inclusion. Wicklow Local Sports Partnership will also implement sports programmes in the context of the local strategic plan for Sport and Physical Activity and in line with Irish Sports Council priorities.

The next main event  is the new men’s fitness program in Arklow at the end of November the implementation of the new fitness program will coincide with the ‘Operation Transformation’ TV Series which begins in January.

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