Donegal Sports Partnership (DSP)/Active Donegal was established in 2001 as part of the Irish Sports Council’s national network of Local Sports Partnerships. With the aim of promoting local participation in sport. Over the past 12 years, Active Donegal has coordinated and supported the development of sport and physical activity in County Donegal, through its four pillars, Active Sports, Active Schools, Active Communities and Active Partnerships.
The Donegal Sports Partnership is an inter-agency and multi-sector organisation established as a limited company with representative from all the main statutory, community and voluntary represented on a dedicated Board of Directors.
What we do:
Active Donegal helps clubs, schools and communities to increase and sustain levels of participation in sport and physical activity in County Donegal. We remain committed to further strengthening and developing ‘Active Donegal’ and to make its impact real through its four pillars: Active Sports, Active Schools, Active Communities and Active Partnerships.
Information is disseminated through our staff, directors, tutors, local sports clubs and NGB contacts. We utilize fully our websites and social media networks to provide a wide range of information resources and sign posting opportunities. We active encourage information sharing to and from our sporting communities.
Active Donegal provides a range of education and training programmes, which are designed to promote and support the delivery of sport, recreation and physical activities in the County and to build the sporting capacity of Clubs, Community Groups, Schools and the sporting volunteers.
Examples include: Child Protection and Children’s Officer Training, First Aid in Sport, Sports Leadership, Walking related training and Disability Sport Workshops.
Further details of these programmes are currently available checkout our website or Facebook page Or contact our office – Tel: 07491-16078/9 or email:
Donegal Sports Partnership’s third Strategic Plan ‘Active Donegal’ 2011-2014 aimed to thread the ethos of ‘Active Donegal’ through all fours pillars by linking programmes across each to maximize impact, expertise and participation. The plan’s flexibility and in particular the additional projects which were developed as result of funding opportunities, doubling of effort, opportunity, interest and implementation is a genuine testament of its flexibility, as well as the commitment of the DSP’s Board and staff.