
Angling Council of Ireland

The Angling Council of Ireland (ACI) is the governing body for five different branches of the sport of angling throughout the island of Ireland namely, Sea Angling, Coarse Angling, Pike (game) Angling, Trout Angling, Salmon and Sea Trout Angling.


The Angling Council of Ireland currently has 15,000 members registered at club level.


250 Clubs are registered with the Angling Council of Ireland.


2012 Highlights

[image title=”Ian Corbett” size=”medium” align=”right” lightbox=”false” group=”” link=”” width=”0″ height=”0″ autoHeight=”false” quality=”75″ frame=”false” link_class=”” underline=”false”]http://irishsport.ie/wpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Angling-2.png[/image]

The development of new Level 1 Coaching Course in conjunction with Coaching Ireland was one of the key highlights for the Angling Council of Ireland in 2012.

Continued professional development courses on coaching persons with disability, water safety and first aid were successfully developed and delivered throughout the course of the year.

A total of 100 anglers took competed in the 2012 home international, European Championships and World Championships.

The continued success of “Angling for All” was highlighted by the further expansion in ten counties. Angling for All is an outreach programme in conjunction with the Equality Authority which promotes recreational angling and provides people with disability a comprehensive introduction to angling sport.


Looking Forward to 2013

In 2013 the Angling Council of Ireland will expand the International Youth programme which will include sending three teams to World Championships for the first time.

At home, Ireland will play host to World Lure Championships on the picturesque Lough Erne in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh. Having previously hosted the World Angling Championships (match fishing) in 1992, the Erne system has established itself as one of the top fishing venues around.

Another international event to take place in Ireland during 2013 is the International Fly Fishers Federation assessment.

New world class facilities will be developed at the Inniscarra Reservoir in Cork which will host the 2014 World Championships; while, new facilities at the National Sports Campus at Abbotstown will provide the opportunity to improve the ACI’s coaching facilities.

Centres of excellence in coaching people with disabilities will be developed in Fermoy, on the River Blackwater, and in Dunamon, on the River Suck.

Game Angling Fly casting clinics will be delivered around the country, including clinics in: Kerry, Meath, Cork and Waterford and Tipperary.


Calendar of Events

Annual Presentation of Awards March 2nd 2013
Natioanl Pike Championships- Lough Ree April 2013
World Freshwater Championships – Juvenile June 2013
Home Nations Sea Angling – Boat June 2013
All Ireland Coarse Angling Championships July 2013
World Freshwater Championships – Senior July 2013
World Championships Sea Angling – Boat September 2013
World Championships Sea Angling – Shore October 2013
World Championships Boat Fishing With Lures October 2013


How to Get Involved

People interested in getting involved in angling can check out the Angling Council of Ireland’s website where there are links to the five different angling branches.

Alternatively, you can contact the Angling Council of Ireland HQ on (01) 6251132 or info@anglingcouncilireland.ie and they can help people get involved.



Fact File

  • €250 million – the value of angling to the Irish economy annualy
  • €125 million – the contribution of Irish anglers
  • 5 branches of angling governed by the Angling Council of Ireland
  • 15,000 members nationwide
  • 250 angling clubs in Ireland



Social Media

You can stay in touch with the Angling Council of Ireland on:


Contact the Angling Council of  Ireland

Angling Council of Ireland,
Sport HQ,
13 Joyce Way,
Park West,
Dublin 12

Phone: (01) 6251132/3
Fax: (01) 6251134

Email: info@anglingcouncilireland.ie


Do you want your organisation to feature here?

Contact the Federation of Irish Sport on 01-6251155 or email info@irishsport.ie
