


Wicklow Sports Partnership, an Irish Sports Council initiative which aims to maximize participation in sport and physical activity in the county through promotion, coordination and partnership. Wicklow Local Sports Partnership believes that sport and physical activity have important benefits from health, community development and social inclusion perspectives. Therefore we are committed to working in partnership with all partners to provide opportunities for everyone to be active and involved in the sport or physical activity of their choice and at a level of their choice whether that is recreational or competitive.


Wicklow LSP offices are based in Shoreline Leisure Centre, Greystones and we have four key themes which guide our work;

  • Sports Development
  • Physical Activity
  • Leadership and Management
  • Marketing and Communications

Wicklow Local Sports Partnership has a diverse representation of statutory, sporting and community representatives on its board. The board of Wicklow Local Sports Partnership is made up of representatives from Wicklow County Council, Kildare Wicklow Education and Training Board, Special Olympics Wicklow, County Wicklow Partnership, An Garda Siochana, Recreational Service Providers, Wicklow County Childcare Committee, Wicklow Community Forum, and County Wicklow Network for Older People. It is only through partnership that our aims and objectives will be achieved.

Some Actions and Impacts:

In 2013 Wicklow Local Sports Partnership organised and facilitated a wide range of events and programmes which included the following;

Training & Development Included:

  • Pioneered the implementation of the “Sports not Stigma” mental health program the first of its kind in the country. A program that works with clubs and offers mental health awareness training to its members.
  • Code of Ethics Basic Awareness, Disability Inclusion and First Aid workshops
  • Workshops in Child Protection, Sports First Aid, Disability Inclusion and
  • Physical Activity Leader Training.

Participation Programmes & Events Included:

  • Wicklow Sports Partnership & FAI – Wicklow was selected as the site for the 2013 AGM of the FAI. This brought about a weeklong Festival of Football and events to tie in with the AGM and to celebrate football in the county. It also included club visits by famous players as well as football fun days held in four locations around the county.
  • Six Nations Tag Rugby Festival – To tie in with the Six Nations a underage tag rugby tournament was held in Wicklow Rugby club in partnership with Lenister Rugby.
  • Promotion of Walking and Cycling – including Bike Week activities in schools and  an Operation Transformation walk in Bray
  • In partnership with Wicklow Traveller Group we facilitated the development of a handball programme aimed at young members of the Travelling Community from around the county.
  • In 2013 Wicklow Town was selected by the Irish Times and Pfizers for the Healthy Towns Initiative and Wicklow LSP was delighted to work with the various sports clubs and organisations in the town to organise a wide range of events during the months of September and October. Over seventy events were held in the town as part of the initiative.

sports partnership


Disability Sport Development & Programmes

  • Wicklow Sports Partnership facilitated two Disability Inclusion Training courses with one being in Greystones and one in Arklow. People went away from the training with a better understanding of the importance of having sport that is inclusive to all
  • Awareness raising and capacity building


Future Developments:

At the moment Wicklow Local Sports Partnership is working to re-establish a Sports Forum for the County to ensure that all sports clubs have a voice and are treated equally.

Wicklow LSP is also currently in the process of developing its 3-year Strategic Sports Plan 2014-2017 which aims to build on the achievements of the initial 3-year plan. Our underlying aim is increase participation in all sports across the county and that to ensure that the benefits of active living are available to all the people living in county Wicklow. While there is a particular focus on meeting the needs and supporting the inclusion of a number key target groups; girls and women, disadvantaged young people, older adults, people with a disability, Travellers and ethnic minorities.


Wicklow Local Sports Partnership is always open to suggestions and ideas on how participation can be increased or how an activity/sport can be made more inclusive so we would welcome comments and suggestions.

Wicklow Sports Partnership

01- 287 8184




Federation of Irish Sport