
Limerick City and County Local Sports Partnerships merged to form Limerick Sports Partnership in January 2014.  The aim of Limerick Sports Partnership is “Getting Limerick Active” together with:

  • Increasing participation in sport.
  • Ensuring that local resources are used to best effect.
  • A mechanism to co-ordinate the efforts of all key influencers to further develop sporting opportunities for local communities.
  • A vital link between the needs of local people, the work of other sports organisations/officers and national agencies and state agencies.

_MG_2879 - CopyLimerick Sports Partnership is now based in UL Sport Arena at the University of Limerick.  This location provides us with access to a weekly footfall of 12-15,000 people while also creating links and relationships from grassroots, education and professional sport.

The LSP is an inter-agency and multi-sector organisation established as a limited company with representatives from all the main statutory, community and voluntary fora represented on a dedicated Board of Directors.

The role of Limerick Sports Partnership is:

Information: establish a consultative forum, initiate research, compile a sports directory and database, and identify needs and resources to form the basis of local planning.  The LSP are in the process of developing a new website where we will have an a-z of sporting clubs/organisations throughout Limerick.  Our website will also be an information sharing hub for clubs and individuals who decide to become “LSP Members”.  An example of this will be creating a central hub for all walking related activities/resources. We will continue to provide information in relation to upcoming funding streams as soon as they become available.

1 - CopyEducation: overall objective to provide quality opportunities for education and training at local level, provide training courses targeting volunteers, provide access to sports specific courses through the National Governing Bodies of Sport.  We run a number of education and training courses namely Child Protection in Sport Basic Awareness, Children’s Officer, Active Leadership and Sports First Aid.  Through our seminar series we continue to offer Continuous Professional Development (CPD) opportunities for all coaches and teachers.

Implementation: develop a strategic plan for local sport, select participation programmes for LSP’s modified to suit local needs, increase impact of national programmes delivered locally, market and promote sport.

In 2014 the Limerick Sports Partnership will develop a Strategic Plan, together with our Stakeholders and Partners, which will identify the requirements of targeted groups throughout Limerick.  We will endeavour to tackle the rise in obesity issue together with providing education and training to sporting clubs and groups so that proper Governance is in place throughout!

Launch Group Shannon Town Utd PCF Team - CopyWhat we do

Jointly, in 2013, Limerick County and City Sports Partnerships had direct contact through targeted programmes with 20,046 participants from key target groups; disadvantaged youth, older adults, travellers, young people, teenage girls and mothers. Programmes included active girls and mothers, meet and train, gaelic for girls, people with disabilities, older adult sports fests, mass participation events (run/walks/jogs/cycles), school completion physical activity programmes, Link2BActive, girls outside, fittlesticks and fitwalk.  The LSP has developed strong links with youth organisations i.e. Limerick Youth Service and Foroige in supporting and delivering physical activity opportunities and programmes.

Wheelchair Hurling High Ball - CopyKey activities relating to mass participation and physical activity i.e. runs, walks and cycle series are delivered in targeted locations throughout Limerick.  The Sports Partnership run events under National Initiatives namely BikeWeek, Play Day, Mobility Week and World Heart Day.

The LSP run a number of schools initiatives namely Schools World Marathon Challenge, Sportshall Athletics, Kids Run for Fun and Splash & Dash.  These athletics and swim programmes are offered to all schools in Limerick and aim to get young people together with their families physically active.  The Sports Partnership offer specifically developed programmes to schools to assist with training for these events. We also deliver a Nutrition and Physical Activity Workshop to all classes in a selection of primary and post primary schools throughout the year.

The LSP deliver programmes and activities to schools, clubs, organisations and community groups where access to physical activity opportunities may not always be available.  We encourage and enable participation and physical activity for all and are able to do so because of the commitment and dedication of the staff and Board of Limerick Sports Partnership to “Getting Limerick Active”.

Splash and dash  1 - CopySee more on our website or

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Limerick Sports Partnership,

UL Sport Arena, University of Limerick, Castletroy, Limerick

Tel: 061-333600 / Mobile: 087-2079172
