The EU Council recently approved the second EU Work Plan for Sport (2014-2017). 

Member States agreed to set up five Expert Groups, covering the following topics:

  • Match-fixing;
  • Good governance; (The Federation of Irish Sport represented Ireland on the Expert Group on Good Governance during the last Workplan)
  • Economic dimension;
  • HEPA;
  • Human resources development in sport.

Experts of the Groups will be appointed by the Member States. Additionally, each Expert Group can decide to invite observers from the sport movement.

Therefore, the European Commission would like to inform interested organisations that they can express their interest in participating in the works of the Expert Groups, as observers, by sending an email to  indicating which Expert Groups they are interested in and briefly explaining their motivations.

The final decision on each application for an observer status will be taken by the Expert Group and communicated, to the organisation, by the Commission.

EU Workplan for Sport 2014-2017