Dublin City Sports Network
Sport for Young People Small Grants Scheme
1. What is the Dublin City Sports Network?
The Dublin City Sports Network (DCSN) was established in 2001. Its aim is to promote participation in Sport and Physical Activity throughout Dublin City, by raising awareness of the activities and facilities available in the city, and by developing programmes and events to encourage people to participate in sport & physical activity. The Network brings together key stakeholders from across the city, taking a planned and strategic approach to the development of sport and physical activities, targeting in particular, groups who traditionally have low participation rates in sport & physical activity.
2. When was it established?
The Dublin City Sports Network was initially established in 2001, to attract funding from the Irish Sports Council for the development of a Local Sports Partnership for Dublin City. In 2007 a Sport & Active Living Co-ordinator was appointed to administer and implement programmes on behalf of the Network, and funding was allocated for the implementation of a Sports Partnership for Dublin City.
3. Who is represented on it?
The Dublin City Sports Network is made up of representatives from Dublin City Council, the Health Services Executive, the City of Dublin Youth Services Board, Age & Opportunity, An Garda Síochána, Dublin City University, and the Federation of Irish Sports, representatives from National Governing Bodies of Sport.
4. What do the Dublin City Sports Network Do?
The Network meets regularly to develop and promote sport and physical activity throughout the city, directing Dublin City Council’s Sport & Active Living Co-ordinator, and developing strategies to increase participation in sport, through the promotion of existing clubs and activities, and the creation on new activities.
The DCSN are also responsible for the administration of the “Sport for Young People – Small Grant Scheme”, which was previously administered by the City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee.
The Network will be the primary link between the Irish Sports Council and local sports clubs, and organisations throughout the city.
5. How do I contact the Dublin City Sports Network?
Contact the Sport & Active Recreation Section on 01-2227598/ 01-2227852 or dcsn@dublincity.ie
6. What is the purpose of the Sport for Young People Small Grants Scheme?
• To provide a small grant, which will help to increase participation in sport by
young people through the City.
• To increase participation by young people throughout Dublin City in sports and
physical activity.
7. Where does the money come from?
The money, which will be grant aided, is provided by the Irish Sports Council, through the National Sports Partnership Programme. It is administered by the Dublin City Sports Network on behalf of the Irish Sports Council.
8. Who can apply?
Applications are open to Sports Clubs and Organisations providing opportunities for young people to participate in sport & physical activity
9. What can be applied for?
Grants are allocated in respect of:
• Administrative costs, training and coaching courses and purchase of equipment
• Training, coaching and other courses and activities relevant to clubs and
organisations promoting sport among young people.
10. What will not be funded?
• Competitions/One off Events
• Drugs awareness
• Older Adults Groups
• Foreign Travel
• Youth Projects (funded by the organisations such as CDYSB)
• School Projects (after school/breakfast/ homework clubs etc.)
11. What information should be provided?
Quotations should be provided to support any application,detailing the proposed costs of completing the project.
Clubs/organisations must retain receipts of funds expended and make themselves available to meet with their local Sport & Recreation Officer who will ascertain that the funding was used for the purpose which was stated on the original application.
In the event of over-subscription, grant applications will be short listed based on
information supplied at the application stage.
12. What are applications judged on?
• Potential Impact of the project on young people’s participation in sport
• That the club or organisation is affiliated to a National Governing Body for Sport, and
involved in competition.
• All relevant information is provided
• Contribution to involving young people in sport & physical activity – as administrators/
Referees/Coaches and participants
13. Process
• Complete the club registration form.
• Send in Completed Grant Application form, with relevant information
• DCSN Grant Sub Committee meets to evaluate grants against criteria above.
• Adjudication of Applications by Grant Sub committee
• Notification to applicants of grant award.
For further information, please contact:
Aideen O’Connor – Sport & Active Living Co-ordinator on 01-2227598
Sinéad Murphy – Administrator on 01-2227852