Please find below HPSC update on the efficacy of visors compared with masks and face coverings.

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Some key recommendations include:

  • In public settings, when considering the options of cloths face coverings compared with visors, expert opinion and international guidance generally favours cloth face coverings.
  • There is a rationale and laboratory evidence in particular for favouring cloth face coverings over visors where the wearer is at a higher level (standing) than those potentially exposed at a lower level (sitting).
  • However, there is evidence that visors do reduce exposure to droplets to a certain extent and may be an alternative in certain circumstance including
    • People with breathing difficulties
    • People who are unable to remove masks/face coverings without help
    • Anyone with particular needs who may feel upset or very uncomfortable wearing the mask/face covering
    • In settings where people who have learning difficulties or hard of hearing or deaf are present.
  • Where cloth face coverings are used, it should be of multiple layers of suitable fabric and correctly applied. Further information on the handling and care of cloth face coverings can be found here.
  • Where visors are used they should cover the entire face (above the eyes to below the chin and wrap around from ear to ear) and be correctly applied. Further information on the handling and care of visors can be found here.


Current evidence on the use of face coverings V1 0