Public Health Measures

Ireland is now at Level 5. You can see all of the measures that are in place at Level 5 here.

Healthy Ireland Resilience and Wellbeing ‘Keep Well’ Campaign

We are pleased to share the next phase of the Healthy Ireland Resilience and Wellbeing campaign will go live on Monday 16th November with a national and local advertising campaign.

The Government Plan for Living with COVID-19 – Resilience and Recovery 2020-2021 highlights the important role that individual and community resilience will play in contributing to our ongoing response to COVID-19. The “Keep Well” campaign will signpost to people of all ages about minding their own physical and mental health and wellbeing by adding healthy and helpful habits to their daily and weekly routines. The Healthy Ireland “Keep Well” campaign will provide guidelines, information, and tips on things to help all to keep well through the coming months. This Resilience and Wellbeing information is being added on an ongoing basis on and under the following sections: Staying Active, Keeping Connected, Switching Off, Eating Well, and Minding Your Mood.

A number of Sláintecare funded initiatives will be delivered through the Healthy Ireland Fund and rolled out over the coming months. A suite of creative assets are available to share with you if you have use for them. Follow on support on social is always welcome.  #keepwell

Invitation to International Men’s Day Webinar: Men’s Mental Health in these Challenging Times

An invitation to attend an upcoming webinar on International Men’s Day the 19th November focussed on Men’s Mental Health in these Challenging Times in partnership with the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland and the Centre for Men’s Health in IT Carlow. It will highlight recent research and promote important messages for men in relation to their mental health. There will be an exciting line up of speakers on men’s health including inputs on farmers, men who attend men’s sheds and young men as well as a discussion panel with representatives from the GAA, SpunOut, Mental Health Ireland, Healthy Ireland in the Department of Health and the HSE. Please see the link here for registration.


New COVID-19 Campaign

The HSE Bubbles campaign and the Irish language version of the ad are live. The idea of the Bubble is to create a visual reminder for the protection we share when we follow public health actions, and how easily it can be lost.

New COVID-19 Testing, Self-Isolation and Restricted Movements Ad

This new ad explains that COVID-19 wants to spread from person to person, but there’s a lot you can do to stop it reaching someone near you or dear to you. It’s important to know when you should self-isolate and when you should restrict your movements. You can watch the ad here. It’s currently live on TV, radio, digital and social media.

Living with COVID-19 Ad

The Living with COVID-19 ad focuses on protective measures and is currently on TV, radio, digital and social media. The newly updated version of this ad is available here.

Enhanced Illness Benefit for COVID-19

Last week, the Department of Social Protection launched a public information campaign to raise awareness of Enhanced Illness Benefit for COVID-19.

Enhanced Illness Benefit for COVID-19 is available to employees or self-employed people who are unable to work due to:

-A diagnosis of COVID-19, or

-An instruction by a doctor or the HSE to self-isolate/restrict their movements.

The payment is €350 per week. To apply, a person will require medical certification and will need to make an application to the Department of Social Protection. The online applications can be made at:

A series of multi-lingual resources including posters and social media posts in a wide range of languages have been developed. These are designed to help ensure that as many people as possible are made aware of this important support. The resources are available to download by language here.


The START partnership campaign from the HSE, safefood and Healthy Ireland (Department of Health) encourages families with young children to adopt healthier lifestyles. Conscious of the impact of COVID-19 on families and recent research demonstrating that family time is highly valued at the moment, this month we are focussing on “Big wins start with small changes. Make the most of family time by adding a healthy habit.”

TV, radio, out of home and digital advertising are running for the month of November. You can view the TV ad here. If you and your family would like to get more information on healthy habits check out

Public Health Information

As always, for the most up to date information and advice on Coronavirus, please go to: and

Clinical and professional guidance relating to COVID-19 is available on where you’ll find up to date guidance for healthcare settings and non-clinical settings.

Please also check here for the most up to date partner resources for COVID-19.

You can view the latest information on how Ireland is responding to cases of COVID-19 here.