Building a strong foundation for inclusion by supporting and empowering National Governing Bodies of Sport in Ireland to provide positive and meaningful opportunities for people with disabilities to engage, sustain and excel in their participation in Sport and physical activity has always been a priority for Cara.

Throughout 2020 and in the early part of 2021 Cara has provided direct support and guidance to a huge number of National Governing Bodies of Sport in relation to their inclusive practice for people with disabilities in sport.

26 NGBs have now signed the Sport Inclusion Disability Charter, thus committing to implementing the 5 pillars of the Charter and contribute towards the goals of the National Sports Policy 2018-2027.

Cara delivered 38 Training & Education courses directly to NGB board members, staff, clubs, and volunteers to support and increase their knowledge and understanding of inclusion for people with disabilities in Sport and Physical Activity.

Swim Ireland, Basketball Ireland and Badminton Ireland successfully completed Cara’s Xcessible Bronze Programme in 2020 and have now commenced the Silver stage of the programme in 2021. An additional 5 NGBs have also commenced their Xcessible Bronze journey in 2021.

The Xcessible programme is a three staged resourced pathway designed to ease an NGB into the area of  Inclusion and supports them through the process of developing and increasing their capacity to support people with disabilities to be active in their sport in terms of participation, coaching, volunteering, officiating and employment. Xcessible has been developed using the Sport Inclusion Disability Charter as a guiding tool. Each NGB is guided through each stage of the journey under the headings of Openness, People, Activities, Facilities and Promotion.

Cara looks forward to continuing to support all National Governing Bodies during 2021, for more information on our programmes and supports for NGBs please contact: Odhrán Doherty, Sport Inclusion Coordinator, Cara. Email: Telephone: 0860212325