The CARA National Inclusion Awards recognises organisations and people who contribute to the inclusion of people with disabilities in Sport and Physical Activity. The purpose of the awards is to highlight and acknowledge best practice in relation to the inclusion of people with disabilities in sport and physical activity.
Following the initial National Inclusion Awards presented at the European Congress of Adapted Physical Activity in 2012, CARA aims to continue to recognise and acknowledge the excellent work of many organisations/individuals in Ireland with regards to the provision of sport, physical activity, fitness and physical education for people with disabilities. The aim of the inclusion awards along with recognising good practice is to heighten the awareness of the inclusion of people with disabilities across all aspects of sport, physical activity, fitness, outdoor adventure and physical education. The categories for the awards are:
– Xcessible Leisure Centre Award
– National Sports Organisation Award
– Disability Organisation/Service Provider Award
– LSP Sports Inclusion Disability Award
– Xcessible Outdoor Centre Award
– Valued Volunteer Award
– Inclusive Sports Club Award
– Inclusive School PE / Sports Award
– Non Sporting Organisation Award
For more information on these awards see link
or contact us in CARA on the below address:
Kate Feeney,
Administrator, CARA National Adapted Physical Activity Centre.
C/O Institute of Technology Tralee,
South Campus,
Co. Kerry