The Federation of Irish Sport is delighted to announce that our Annual Review 2016 was officially released today (Friday, 16th December).

The Review, which was penned and published by the Federation of Irish Sport, provides a thorough overview of the wide and varied successes enjoyed by Irish sport over the past 12 months.

In the Review, you can read about the positive influence sport has had in areas such as health, the economy, enhancing Ireland’s reputation worldwide and social inclusion, proving the value of continued government support and investment.

The Review also includes a comprehensive Members’ Appendix where you can learn about how each and every cent of taxpayer’s money given to the country’s National Governing Bodies of Sport and Local Sports Partnerships (through Sport Ireland) is being put to great use.

To view or download the Annual Review 2016, click here.

Please note that we have a limited number of hard copies of the Annual Review available for collection to members at our office in Irish Sport HQ. Please contact Emira O’Neill for more information –