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The 23rd EASM Conference will be held in the impressive Aviva Stadium in Dublin from 9 to 12 September 2015. This year has been designed as a forward-thinking, interactive event centred on the provocative theme of Sport Management in the Digital Age, which reflects the reality of a fast-paced interconnected world, where professional and global communities are linked at the touch of a button, where live sporting events are streamed to our mobile phones and where teams and athletes can interact instantly with their fans irrespective of location. For the sports manager, the brave new digital world poses questions about what sport is and how it is accessed, offers opportunities to engage fans in exciting new ways and reveals challenges to accessing consumers in an increasingly fragmented media landscape.


Conference Theme

The conference theme is Sport Management in the Digital Age, and below are some recommended themes and topic areas:

• Digital/social media sports marketing
• Social media policies for athletes
• Web 2.0 in sport management teaching and learning
• Intellectual property rights in a connected global community
• Professional skills in a digital environment
• Evaluating sponsorships through online interactivity
• Gamification and fan engagement
• Sporting events and digital legacies
• Sports management and elearning
• Digital networking for sport management professionals
• Consequences for grassroots sports and participation in an online world
• Managing online sports experiences
• Value-adding through online experiences

Papers that correspond to the usual EASM themes will also be considered


Sport Management in Digital Age


Call for Workshops

EASM invites sport management scholars to organise workshops on various sub-themes of sport management at the 23nd EASM Conference, and encourages particularly, but not solely, workshop proposals that connect to the conference theme of “Sport Management in the Digital Age”

The Workshops aim to encourage a profound discussion and close cooperation between participants on a particular subtheme (i.e. a specific focus within a more general topic). If successful, workshops can channel their work into special issues in ESMQ or other journals or edited books.

For more information on how to submit workshop proposals, please visit the EASM 2015 website. Please note that the first call for papers will open in early December 2014.


Further Information

Please see the conference website www.easm2015.com for regular updates of follow us on Twitter.

For information on the programme please contact the Conference Chair, Dr Tara Magdalinski

For information on accommodation, social programme and registration please contact:
Mai Olden, Conference Partners Ltd,
Tel: + 353 1 296 8688